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Elle's Birth Story

I woke up on Saturday, September 20 (my due date) with menstrual-like cramps. I went about my morning as usual, not sure if this was it or not. My husband and I went for a walk around the block and I was stopped by the pain a couple of times. Once we got home, I started timing the cramps, realizing they were probably contractions. Achy inner thighs soon accompanied and the contractions were coming about 15 minutes apart. We decided to go pick up lunch at Mid City Market and some fruit at Whole Foods. The rest of the afternoon at home was quiet. I didn't even tell anyone I was in labor in case it was a false alarm. I rested and read, and as the day went on my contractions seemed to slow. They became more sporadic, occurring every 45 minutes and then not another for 30 minutes. I thought, "maybe I'll get a good nights sleep at home tonight after all".

Around 8 pm, they became stronger and more intense and I felt nauseated. I continued laboring at home and was comfortable doing the Mamaste yoga mama cow position during contractions and lying on my side or in child's pose in between. Soon the contractions were 10 minutes apart, then 8 minutes and my husband was getting anxious to get me to the hospital. I knew I wasn't quite ready yet. About 11 pm, I called my OB to let him know that I would be coming in tonight.

My husband and I finished packing the car and we were on our way. On the way to the hospital, I listened to a Sound Birthing relaxation playlist to help me connect with baby. Upon arrival at the labor and delivery unit, the nurse asked me if I wanted to go back home if I wasn't far along yet. I had been laboring all day! I knew the time was near. She examined me and I was 5 cm already. We got checked in at 12:15 am. I continued to labor on all fours and rest lying on my side in between contractions. A few times, I told my husband, "This is hard", though it was more the discomfort of the IV in my hand and the monitor around my belly, then pain from contractions.

I listened to my Sound Birthing movement and relaxation playlists, which took my mind off the discomfort and helped make the time pass. 2 hours later, I was already 8 cm and my water broke naturally. I switched the music to my imagery playlist to use guided imagery during transition. Once my water broke, things got intense and the urge to push was strong. The doctor hadn't made it yet, so the nurse and my husband encouraged me to breathe through contractions. Thankfully, the doctor arrived in time. I switched the music to a guitar birthing baby down playlist, and after a short time pushing, our little girl was born at 3:30 am. The surge of hormones after delivering was unreal. I was shaking uncontrollably and it took a while to register that I had a daughter. Once skin to skin contact began, I switched the music to the baby girl bonding playlist and "Isn't She Lovely" came on. A nurse commented how appropriate the song was and my doctor said, "Of course. She's a professional. That's what she does." After the first feeding, my husband enjoyed skin to skin contact with her while I put on a guitar folk lullabies playlist for them. Experiencing music therapy assisted childbirth first hand was such a thrill. Having our own personally selected playlist for each stage of labor really heightened the experience and allowed me to bond with my daughter during labor, delivery, and immediate postpartum.

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